Friday, August 17, 2007

Wherescape Red and Oracle Express

Before installing the Red tutorials, do the following to save yourself manual tidyups:
* Create tablespaces called DATA and INDEX
* Create a user called wtutorial

What does this error mean during tutorial install?

insert rows into ws_hie_link(hl_hie_key, hl_obj_key, hl_child_key, hl_parent_col_key) values(ws_hierarchy_seq.currval, 71, 027city#) [Microsoft][ODBC Driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00917: missing comma

Haven't figured out what to do about Red's attempts to create bitmap indexes.


Jason said...

I've been using wherescape in a oracle warehouse for a couple of years and really like it. You're right, splitting up differet products into different schemas and tablespaces is always a good idea.

Not sure what the error is you've got - have you tried asking them via their website forum?

I might be wrong, but I think red creates bitmap indexes on every dimension foreign key on fact tables. After oracle 8i came out and before I had red I did exactly the same thing.

oscil8er said...

Hi Jason,
these are just my notes on minimising errors when using the Red tutorial with Oracle Express. XE has fewer tablespaces out of the box and no support for bitmap indexes.

Still awaiting forum posting rights, practitioner key etc...

Jason said...

.lawsYou're right, I think only Oracle Enterprise edition has bitmaps (standard, express, ... don't).

I'm sure you can change the index type in red once created so they're btree rather than bitmap.