Monday, July 23, 2007

Getting big files into vhds via vhdmount

Having trouble using or copying big files from shared folders or linked drives because of throughput or memory constraints?

Mount a disc ,and copy in your files, then unmount and commit changes. Vhdmount then takes a loooong time merging undo discs, but at least it works!

Windows explorer integration for vhdmount helps out a lot with this.

I find this a great way to get image or backup files into blank vhds. I partition with the appropriate windows setup cd and then do a quick-format as prompted on mounting the vhd, followed by the file copy.

My experience is that if the file is really big (say 10GB) then at the end of the copy it will sit there saying "5 seconds remaining" for a long time. I haven't been patient enough to let it sit for a day to see if it completes, but there's very little activity of any kind so I think it just dies.

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