Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recovering lost offline files

See http://www.jacksontechnical.com/article.htm?id=34

The steps are:
1. Download a Microsoft tool called CSCCMD.EXE
2. Run the following command:

CSCCMD /extract /target:c:\yourrestorefolder /recurse

This will pull the entire contents of the offline files repository from c:\windows\csc into c:\yourrestorefolder

Make sure that c:\yourrestorefolder is completely empty when using the /recurse switch.

A common cause of this problem is if you have a storage quota on your network drive and are trying to sync more files from your laptop than you're allowed to keep.

1 comment:

oscil8er said...

to the commenter: i'm sure your site has good information and all, but this is a technical diary listing specific issues i have encountered. i prefer comments to be directly relevant to the post.