Wednesday, November 12, 2008

MDX Query Designer Design Mode - smart in one direction, dumb in the other

(Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer using Reporting Services 2005 with Analysis Services 2005 data source)

Let's say you've created a great query with the MDX Query Designer and you want to reuse it in another report. So you select the dataset and click the Design Mode button to view the underlying MDX, copy it and switch to your new report to paste the MDX. Now you want to use the designer to tweak the query...but you can't. When you click the Design Mode button again, you get the following message:

Changing to design view will result in the current query being lost.

Now that's pretty annoying - unlike Microsoft Access or most other GUI query tools you could choose to name, the MDX Query Designer doesn't parse the MDX to reconstitute the GUI.

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