Friday, May 30, 2008

Proclarity visualisations included in AdCenter Analytics

Check out the screenshots here. Anyone who's familiar with Proclarity or PerformancePoint will recognise the Heat map (or "Tree Map" in AdCenter parlance - confusingly, Heat Map seems to refer to something else again).

I understand this particular visualisation won't be in the first release.

Since AdCenter Analytics is free, I trust this means that CALs will no longer be required to view Proclarity visualisations used in PerformancePoint solutions? (Somehow I suspect MS begs to differ on that point).

I'm pretty late to this news, and frankly it's because enterprise and soho/consumer analytics are poles apart. For what it's worth, I couldn't find anyone else out there who has commented on this either.

I considered signing up to the AdCenter Analytics beta but it looks like they'll only invite people with sites that have a bare minimum of 25000 page views a month. I have only had (google) analytics enabled for a week now, but with some optimistic extrapolation I might be racking up a mighty 500 or so...

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