Friday, October 19, 2007

Getting Oracle XE on Windows with Virtual PC to work

Pretty much every time I have installed Oracle XE on Windows without taking any preparatory steps, I have had:

  • the home page go "page not found"
  • "shared memory realm does not exist" errors in sqlplus
  • port 8080 failed to come up in lsnrctl status/netstat -an find "TCP"
  • inaccessible Oracle odbc dsns with "tns:no listener" errors
My main preparation steps before installing XE on a Windows VPC:

  1. Install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter
  2. Use a static IP address
  3. Disable all other networking
If this doesn't get it working, forget about checking whether the services are up - they will be.

Instead open up a command prompt and enter the following:

sqlplus / as sysdba

And this gets rid of the various problems I experience. This is in no way comprehensive. Oracle seems to be happy to leave their customers to trawl google for laundry lists of symptoms and fixes compiled by various bloggers and tweakers.

This isn't a bad article (though not specific to XE).
Neither is this

1 comment:

Rob said...

Great, will try this.