Wednesday, August 1, 2007

SSAS development notes

When the data source has changed, use menu option Data Source View:Refresh to update the dsv.

After creating dimensions, open the Cube definition and right-click in the Dimensions tree to add the new dimensions.

Deployment error:Failed trust relationship between workstation and server
Fix: Remove all old domain references from roles

If you're having problems getting changes to display in your cubes, reprocess and redeploy absolutely everything. Reconnect and refresh the cube browser too.

I updated the solution deployment target to a different server but it kept reverting back to the previous target. Sourcesafe informed me that the only file that changed when I updated the deployment info was the .suo file. Further reading on the web suggests that source should be managed from within Visual Studio only, not via SourceSafe, and things are more likely to work properly.

Some guy wrote in a newsgroup:

Figured out how to get the members to appear in date order - it's not as simple as setting attribute orderby properties. The steps I took are as follows:

open the time dim
dimension:add business intelligence
specify attribute ordering
for my mmm-yy attribute, select ordering attribute = new attribute
select a suitable ordering attribute e.g. one with date data type
new attribute appears: "ordering mmm-yy onwhateverorderingattributeyouselected"
next and finish

Hope that helps somebody

"David Norman" wrote:
> If I have date data 2005-01-01, 2005-02-01, 2005-03-01 in Excel and use this
> as the X axis for a chart, I can format it as "mmm-yy" and the axis will> display Jan-05, Feb-05, Mar-05.
> How do I achieve the same result using the OWC chart component and cube data> source?
> If I drag the date dimension level from the field list to the category axis
> containing the same data, I don't have the equivalent date formatting options.
> If I create a named calculation Left(Month,3)+'-'+Year then the members list
> in alphabetical order instead of date order i.e. Feb-05 appears before Jan-05> on the axis.
> Any suggestions appreciated,
> David

New ordering attributes can break existing ordering that use the same attribute. It may be necessary to remove all ordering attributes and recreate them together.

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