Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Salesforce Unrestricted Picklists and Inactive Values

File this under Esoteric:

Any new values entered into an unrestricted picklist field will cause new inactive picklist values to be created.

The only documentation I could find:

When inserting an unrestricted picklist field that does not have a PicklistEntry, the system creates an “inactive” picklist value. This value can be promoted to an “active” picklist value by adding the picklist value in the Salesforce user interface.

When creating new, inactive picklists, the API checks to see if there is a match. This check is case-insensitive.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Developer Console query not working


Error when running a query from the Developer Console: Sobject type 'ObjectName' is not supported


Tooling API checkbox is checked!


Uncheck the check box.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Salesforce Full Copy Sandbox Redirects to Production After Refresh


One of the following may occur in a full copy sandbox shortly after it's been refreshed from production:

  • The url changes to production
  • "Insufficient privileges" message appears
  • "Could not reach [production url]" message appears

Possible Cause

The Salesforce Console remembers the user's tabs so they are retained between sessions.

When a full copy sandbox is refreshed, the user tabs are copied from production.

When these tabs display, the page attempts to redirect to production to display the records associated with the saved tabs.


Close all the console user tabs.