A text formula field providing a url as follows doesn't work for a named community, so only works internally.
HYPERLINK( "/"+Parent_Custom_Object__r.Id, Parent_Custom_Object__r.Name,"_self")
e.g. if you have a community called mysite, you want the following url for users logging into this site
but instead you get
which only works for internal users and gives an Under Construction error for communities users.
HYPERLINK( LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))+Parent_Custom_Object__r.Id, Parent_Custom_Object__r.Name,"_self")Since the Partner_Server_URL_nnn is served up by the $API variable, I thought it wouldn't be sensitive to user context. But it is, which means this works for communities! It could be either $API or the UI itself which is converting to a communities-friendly URL, I don't know which.