Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recovering lost offline files

See http://www.jacksontechnical.com/article.htm?id=34

The steps are:
1. Download a Microsoft tool called CSCCMD.EXE
2. Run the following command:

CSCCMD /extract /target:c:\yourrestorefolder /recurse

This will pull the entire contents of the offline files repository from c:\windows\csc into c:\yourrestorefolder

Make sure that c:\yourrestorefolder is completely empty when using the /recurse switch.

A common cause of this problem is if you have a storage quota on your network drive and are trying to sync more files from your laptop than you're allowed to keep.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Virtual PC performance problems on Lenovo T61

Virtual PC guy has written about how laptop power management can impair virtual pc performance - resulting in jerky mouse behaviour and delayed/lost keystrokes.

The specific fix depends on the laptop brand and model.

For a Lenovo T61 or similar, posts and comments I have read out there suggest disabling power management completely. However this will cause shortened battery life when not on AC.

So I tried to disable power management only when connected to AC, as follows (based on the assumption that virtual pc won't be used when running on battery):
  1. Reboot
  2. Hold down F1 to go into BIOS
  3. Select Config: Power: Intel SpeedStep: Mode for AC
  4. Change from Automatic to Maximum Performance
Unfortunately this didn't improve things noticeably.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Board 7 prerequisites


Board 7 Client launch fails with unexpected error

Cause and Solution

Missing prerequisites
If you're installing Board 7 on a sandboxed environment with limited or no internet connectivity then you have to manually install the prerequisites from redistributable executables.


Can't connect to Local Engine from Client

Cause and Solution

No "first user" (i.e. administrator) specified. This is achieved from Server Configuration.

Subsequent users are created in the client.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Windows Server 2003 sandbox and activation


Windows Server 2003 in its own workgroup installed and connected to a domain that uses a proxy server for handling external connections


How to activate Windows Server 2003 over the internet?

All external connections must be authenticated by providing a domain username and password to the proxy. Windows Activation doesn't provide an opportunity to enter these - it only offers custom specification of the proxy.

Solution Options:

  • Use a volume license key instead - this doesn't require activation (however you have to have the volume license version of the software)

  • Use telephone activation. Tedious but it works

  • If you are mute or can't use telephone activation for other reasons? To be completed