Friday, September 28, 2007

isnumber in sql

select x,
case when
regexp_like(:x, ‘^[+-]?(\d+\.?\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?$’)
then to_number(x)
end n
from t;

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wherescape Red and multi stage ETL

In Red, you associate dimensions with a fact in the Stage table. If your load table has data that needs to be transformed before it can be used to join to the appropriate dimension business keys then you may want a 2 step stage process to keep the transformations readable.

For instance if your load table has a column that contains data in the form ddmon (e.g. 01SEP) this can be converted to a date before joining to dim_date to get the dim_date_key. So stage_table_1 would have a date column derived from the ddmon column and stage_table_2 would have the date column plus a dim_date_key column using the relevant join criteria.

Of course stage_table_2 could be derived in one step but my preference is to keep the transformations simple.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wherescape Red and data repositories

I wanted to create a separate data repository from WslWarehouse (which is full of metadata), so I created a new SQL Server database instance called Test_Warehouse on the same server.

I had to create a system DSN called Test_Warehouse pointing to this instance. I don't see the need for this step. Red supports SQL Server in theory which means that I should be able to specify the server, database and credentials somewhere.

Then in Red I right-clicked Connections, selected New Object and specified properties as follows:

Name of object: Test_Warehouse
Connection Method: IP
ODBC Source: Test_Warehouse
(No need for credentials as I specified Windows Authentication in the DSN)

The next step is to get the load table to create itself in Test_Warehouse. I thought that Change Connect/Schema would do the trick but it made no difference. After much messing around and consulting help files I still didn't figure out how to do it. So it's back to mingling meta and data...

Wherescape Red and fixed width text source

Two annoyances:

1. The data load wizard doesn't let you throw anything away in the source. You have to create junk columns to hold separators and other unneeded file content.

2. If you use the Back button in the data load wizard, it appears that you lose your column specifications. Actually the column definition has already been created and you are creating a duplicate. Clicking ok to Create and Load when you finish the wizard will not work because of this, and you will have to go back and delete the old column definitions.

If you get the following errors, create a c:\temp directory.

Attempt to bulk insert has FAILED![Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot bulk load because the file "c:\temp\wsl6.fmt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot bulk load because the file "c:\temp\wsl6.fmt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).


Wherescape Red and creating facts

Much the same as dimensions but I got stuck going from load to fact - I eventually figured out that stage tables are not just a nice to have, they are pretty much essential as there are wizard steps that won't appear when constructing facts directly from load tables.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wherescape Red and projects

At first I couldn't figure out how to drag-drop or multi-drag objects into a newly created project. Surely I wouldn't have to do them one at a time?? Turns out the trick is to select the container (for instance, Load Table) then make my selections from the middle pane, right-click and Add to Project.